The Blanket Project
Handmade blankets for children survivors of dog attacks.
While doing some research for our bite prevention education program I came across a little girl named Kaylie and the story of her dog attack.
While Kaylie was visiting her father she was attacked by the family pit bull. Like many vicious dog attacks the dog had to be killed to end its assault on Kaylie. Despite severe damage done to her face Kaylie is extremely lucky to be alive. Her strength touched me and I could not get her out of my thoughts. Following her Facebook page I learned that she was going in for yet another surgery, to help with the scarring on her cheek. I love to crochet and decided to make her a blanket that I hoped would provide some comfort during this surgery, as well as offer her some support. Kaylie's story is like too many children's stories after dog attacks. The more I researched and reached out the more I learned that children that survive dog attacks often need to have many surgeries, face horrible nightmares and take years to overcome the attack. |
Why Blankets?
One little boy is on his 28th surgery and will have to have more as he grows. These children have to stay less active, many have to stay in bed and/or out of the sun. They lose entire summer vacations, spend hours at the doctors and the healing is a very painful process.
Providing blankets to these children lets them know there are people who care about them and support them in their time of healing. Most children love blankets and the comfort that comes from knowing others care and support them.
Volunteers of all kinds are coming together to help get blankets to every child survivor of dog attacks. Donations of one square, entire blankets, yarn and shipping costs, every little bit helps.
Our goal is to help support these strong survivors and spread dog attack education to prevent future attacks.
Providing blankets to these children lets them know there are people who care about them and support them in their time of healing. Most children love blankets and the comfort that comes from knowing others care and support them.
Volunteers of all kinds are coming together to help get blankets to every child survivor of dog attacks. Donations of one square, entire blankets, yarn and shipping costs, every little bit helps.
Our goal is to help support these strong survivors and spread dog attack education to prevent future attacks.
Thank you for visiting our page,
Keep on Smiling!
International Kindness:
Our Blanket Program is growing with such wonderful support of amazing people. They are absolutely beautiful and we appreciate them so very much. Unfortunately many children are attacked annually and we will always need blankets and the funds to ship them.
Shipping costs for the blankets run $13.95 in the USA per blanket. Donations for blanket shipping costs can be made by check, credit card or paypal.
The Blanket Project is one of Active K9 Rescue Foundations community outreach projects.
Lending support and giving kindness to child victims of dog attacks.
Lending support and giving kindness to child victims of dog attacks.
Thank you for your support!