We know raising a puppy into a good dog takes hard work and long hours. These specially designed Puppy Courses are here to give you peace of mind that you are not alone in the journey.
HAPPY PUPPY COURSE You have a new puppy, Congratulations! There is no better time to start training than the present.
In our Happy Puppy Course you will be supplied with all the information you need to raise a happy obedient pup. Starting with our Puppy Planning Consultation we will get you prepared in how best to manage your puppy at home. This will speed up potty training, prevent unwanted habits such as furniture chewing and ease the stress that a rambunctious puppy can create. You will then have 2 private lessons to use on any behaviors that come up as your pup grows, 2 daycare passes for those days you may need a break or have puppy free plans and Unlimited Puppy Socials for entertaining playtimes.
PUPPY TO PERFECT A lifetime of peace of mind for you and your pooch!
Whether this is your first experience with puppy-hood or you have an idea of whats in store for you and you new puppy. Everyone will be in awe of how well behaved your puppy is (no nipping or jumping here), they will be jealous when your "teenage" dog comes when called (the first time) at the crowded dog park and jaws will drop when you explain that sweet dog at your feet while dining at a local restaurant is only two years old. Sounds lovely doesn't it? Enjoy every moment of life with your dog by letting us help you all along the way.
From Puppy to Perfect is, well perfect, for the dog owner who recognizes that raising a dog is a lifetime commitment. If you want to make raising your puppy into a wonderful dog an enjoyable experience than this is your chance. We will be here for you every step of the way! Relieving you of stress and worry our Puppy to Perfect Course provides you with everything you need to have the best dog possible.
Send us an email today to start your puppy off on the right paw!